Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.

welcome to Eac
The Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) is a subdivision of the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC).
It oversees organizational funds such as the yearly student fee, individual organization budgets, and three of the main funding opportunities maintained by HUSC.
The mission of EAC is to support individual students and organizations and aims to create and efficient and open process for all. On a day-to-day basis, EAC strives to provide assistance and information to all students and organizations seeking funding from the congress.
EAC meets weekly, chaired by Ella Ettlin, to provide a forum for student concerns and funding proposals. For more information, contact EAC at husceac@hamline.edu.
EAC Chair Ella Ettlin
available funds
There are several different types of funds students can apply for. All funds are approved to the discretion of the committee and are on a first-come-first-serve basis. We heavily encourage that students and organizations fundraise and HUSC is happy to help you do so! Contact Jessie Luevano at husceac@hamline.edu for more information.
The Conference Fund is meant to sponsor individual students and groups to various conferences (including dinners, marches - see HUSC bylaws for more clarification). To the discretion of the Chair, the fund may include transportation, registration, and lodging fees. HUSC does not fund beverages, drinks, or other food items and individual trips/excursions.
The Challenge Grant is designed for organizations who have completed fundraising. HUSC will match dollar to dollar what an org has fundraised independently (does not include donations) up to $1,000 USD. An organization may request the grant TWICE per year for a combined total of maximum, $1,000 USD