Annual budgeting is available to all Chartered organizations. Each spring, the Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) reviews all student organization budgets in the spring. At that time, organizations can submit a budget proposal, which consists of two documents, to the Chair for review. Below you will find information on the budgeting process and any documents you'll need to submit.
Alan sickbert leadership scholarship
Each year a representative committee selected by the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress will award three $1,000 scholarships to Hamline undergraduate students (1 Sophomore, 1 Junior, and 1 Senior) in Honor of Alan Sickbert and his leadership as Dean of Students.
You can apply for this annual scholarship below!
faculty and staff of the year award
Nominate your favorite faculty or staff member to be honored by the student body. This can be a professor or staff member who has impacted your life in a positive direction or who you think deserves praise! Nominate below!